MAEP, Sieng Lee: Siv Yis and His Wooden Horses

MAEP, Sieng Lee: Siv Yis and His Wooden Horses
March 21, 2019 – June 23, 2019
Minneapolis Institute of Art, U.S. Bank Gallery

For his MAEP exhibition, Sieng Lee will collaborate with Wa Leng Lee, a renowned shaman, and his community to create an installation that reflects a modern-day retelling of Siv Yis, the first Hmong shaman. At the crux of his exhibition, Lee asks what people give up in order to assimilate into American culture.

Lee holds a BS from Herzing University, Madison, and an MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. He is a recipient of the 2015 Jerome Foundation Fellowship for Emerging Artists, Minnesota States Arts Board. He was the lead exhibit designer of “We Are Hmong Minnesota,” at the Minnesota History Center, St. Paul.

This exhibition is part of the Minnesota Artists Exhibition Program, now located in U.S. Bank Gallery.

Generous support for MAEP provided by:
McKnight Foundation

Additional support provided by RBC Wealth Management and anonymous donors.

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