Meditation: Find Peace in an Unpeaceful World

Before the Buddha became enlightened, he spent hundreds of lifetimes cultivating the heart-mind qualities that support the spread of benevolence, compassion, loving kindness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, known as the Divine Abodes, or Bramaviharas. Join meditation teacher Arisika Razak for an embodied exploration of these qualities, which offer a way to balance our responsibilities to ourselves with our responsibilities to others. Learn how the Divide Abodes can help you find inner peace in the midst of a rapidly evolving global health pandemic, catastrophic climate change, and the lethal targeting of marginalized populations. This virtual meditation session is open to practitioners at all levels.

Arisika Razak is professor emerita and the former chair of the Women’s Spirituality Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She is a core teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland, California, and a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioner Program. Her teachings incorporate diverse spiritual traditions, multicultural feminisms, and contemporary diversity theory. She has facilitated spiritual, healing, and empowerment workshops for over 30 years and presents at numerous conferences on the subjects of womanism, diversity, women’s health and healing, and embodied spiritual traditions. 

Evelie Delfino Såles Posch is a devoted chanter, certified sound therapist and pranic healer, music teacher, sacred song composer, and ritualist. Posch’s music ministry brings her to assisted living and rehabilitation centers, hospitals, retirement homes, and prisons.

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