North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong-nam | 101 East

North Korea: The Death of Kim Jong-nam – 101 East

It’s a murder plot out of a spy novel.

Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korea’s unpredictable leader, was allegedly poisoned by two women assassins at Kuala Lumpur airport in mid-February.

All signs point to Kim Jong-un, the rogue state’s leader, as behind the murder.

101 East investigates the mysterious case, exploring the highly secretive and paranoid world of North Korea, where those who escape continue to live in fear of its reckless brutality.

Given the most recent display of its missile tests, it’s a recklessness the rest of the world needs to heed.

They work in one of the most dangerous and conservative areas of Pakistan.
“Where I come from, women are not usually allowed to get an education,” says Khalida Niaz, who went on a hunger strike to convince her father to let her finish school.
Now, she is a radio newsreader for the Tribal News Network, which broadcasts across Pakistan’s troubled border region with Afghanistan.
Reporting the news here can be deadly – threats by armed groups have shut down most media outlets. But Khalida and her colleagues know there are some stories that only women can tell.
101 East meets the team making women’s voices heard in Pakistan’s tribal region.

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