Project One – by Poni

Ice guitars melting, bone-chilling sounds, spilled milk, shredded telephone books, microbiotic images on a monitor, singers performing on the edge of singability, musicians performing beyond the playable. PONI is here! The Belgian punk band is now on “The Bacterial Tour” with the most performative punk band performance “Project One.” Their show deconstructs the “punk band” image and the concert as a format of presentation through installation, dance, lyrics and video. They peel off characteristics and clichés from stereotypical stage shows, shrewdly generating a trancelike game that plays with the bone of art, which they skeletonize themselves. This show features, among other performers likely to infect you with their moods, PONI founder Frank Pay and the powerful voices of dancers Erna Ómarsdóttir and Kate Macintosh.

From the series “Backstage – Are you ready for Dance? The World’s newest Dance Performances”

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