Rachel Rossin | PAFA – Visiting Artist Program

Rachel Rossin is a painter and programmer whose work explores entropy, embodiment, the ubiquity of technology and its effect on our psychology. Recently, she has gained recognition for a series of astonishing exhibitions that blend oil painting, sculpture, and virtual reality. Rossin’s practice investigates the fluid boundary between physical and digital worlds, particularly the ways information and sensory experience are transfigured by each. Selected solo exhibitions include Stalking the Trace, Zabludowicz Collection, London, 2019; Greasy Light, 14a, Hamburg, Germany, 2019; Tennis Elbow, The Journal Gallery, New York, 2019; Peak Performance, SIGNAL, New York, 2017; My Little Green Leaf, Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, Latvia, 2016; and Lossy, Zieher Smith & Horton, New York, 2015.

Recorded on November 18, 2020


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