Renaud Capuçon, Gautier Capuçon, Frank Braley – Beethoven: Piano Trio No. 7 “Archduke”: III.

Beethoven’s “Archduke” and “Ghost” trios bring a fabulous trio back together again: Renaud Capuçon, Gautier Capuçon, and Frank Braley. Listen to the recording:

Beethoven dedicated the ‘Archduke’ – a grandly conceived, but engaging work that was first performed in 1814 – to his patron (and composition student) Archduke Rudolf of Austria. Wrote The Guardian of this trio’s performance of the piece live in 2011: “Their account of the Archduke Trio was less imposingly grand than some, almost intimately conversational at times, without any details over-emphasised. It still had a tremendous sense of organic coherence, as if carved from a single creative block, with its heart firmly located in the great set of variations that form the slow movement.”


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