Rose Nestler
Rose Nestler (b. 1983 in Spokane, WA, USA) lives and works in Brooklyn. She holds an MFA from Brooklyn College. Nestler has exhibited in the United States and internationally, including exhibitions at König Galerie, Projet Pangeé, Public Gallery, Fisher Parrish, Hesse Flatow, Thierry Goldberg and BRIC. Her work was curated in a two-person show at Spring/Break in 2019 and she was a Lighthouse Works Fellow in 2018. She will be an artist in residence at the Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans in 2022. Upcoming exhibitions include solo shows at Public Gallery (London, UK) in 2021 and at Mrs. Gallery (NY, USA) in 2022. Her work has been featured and reviewed in Juxtapoz, Vulture, Maake, and Metal Magazine.
Recorded on September 29th, 2021