RSA Replay: Inequality, Technology and Public Policy

In his RSA President’s Lecture for 2015, economist Professor Sir Tony Atkinson sets out concrete policy proposals that could bring about a genuine shift in the distribution of income towards less inequality.

Identifying ambitious new policies in five areas: technology, employment, social security, the sharing of capital, and taxation – drawing on the lessons of history, and taking a fresh look – through distributional eyes – at the underlying economics, Professor Atkinson seeks to show what could be done now to reduce the extent of inequality. The proposals are intended to engage all levels of government from the local to the multinational, and they do not only involve government. Citizens, individually and acting collectively, can play a significant role by their own actions in achieving a more just society.

Professor Atkinson puts forward the proposals in a spirit of optimism. The world faces great problems, but we are not helpless in the face of forces outside our control. The future is very much in our hands. If we want to reduce inequality, then this can be achieved.

The event will be introduced by HRH The Princess Royal, RSA President and Vikki Heywood CBE, RSA Chairman.

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