Shana Kaplow, Near and Far, Of Us and Art: The 100 Videos Project, Episode 17

While words and images keep us connected to friends and family across the world, Shana Kaplow’s “Near and Far” is inspired by the connectivity shared through the objects we use most. Her paintings of tables and chairs feature common items that fill many homes, yet focus on the effects of mass production and the global reach of a domestic commodity.

She also uses video to find connections between cultures, labor and domestic architecture. Gravity, a video projected onto a dining room table, is a deceptively simple reversal of dripped liquid ink that elegantly transition from deepest black to blank white. By using both abstraction and photo realism, Kaplow stresses the tension of connecting with the unfamiliar.

Shana Kaplow is a fiscal year 2014 recipient of an Artist Initiative Grant from the MN State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of MN through a grant form the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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