The Brooklyn Conference: Charles M. Blow, Patrick Gaspard, and Brittany Packnett

The Brooklyn Conference explores the intersections of art and social justice, shining a light on what unites and separates us as a nation, and in hopes of inspiring a more connected, civic, and empathetic world. Join us for some creative thinking about social change.

For the concluding talk of the conference, writer and New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow, Ambassador Patrick Gaspard, Vice President, Open Society Foundations, and Brittany Packnett, Vice President, National Community Alliances for Teach For America, are in conversation about the interplay of the creative imagination and practical politics. How is the society we actually build shaped by the worlds we can imagine?

Generous support for The Brooklyn Conference has been provided by Open Society Foundations.

This event took place at the Brooklyn Museum
on Saturday, October 21, 2017.

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