“The Impact of Feminist Theory on Contemporary Art” Presented by Carey Lovelace

“The Impact of Feminist Theory on Contemporary Art” was presented by Carey Lovelace on June 18, 2015 during the “Wild Noise: Art in Times of Change” panel at El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Havana organized by The Bronx Museum of the Arts.

Playwright, arts writer, and curator Carey Lovelace addresses the emergence of the Feminist Movement in the United States throughout the 1960s and explores how the fight for gender equality directly impacted contemporary art by challenging traditional representations of women by male artists, as well as the exclusion of female artists in the art historical canon. Discussion will focus on art collectives such as The Guerrilla Girls as well as individual artists, Mierle Lederman Ukeles, Martha Rosler, and Ana Mendieta—whose work is represented in the Wild Noise exhibition in Havana.

The symposium “Wild Noise: Art in Times of Change” is made possible through support from the Terra Foundation for American Art, Blake Grossman, and Michelle Richards. Special thanks to Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

For more information on “Wild Noise,” visit www.bronxmuseum.org/events/wild-noise-art-in-times-of-change

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