The Silent Epidemic of Male Suicide | Psych2Go ft. Dr. Dan Bilsker

Almost as many men die by suicide every year in Canada as by prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Canada has done amazing work with its “Movember” campaign to raise awareness and get men talking and thinking about the disease. Deaths are actually decreasing because of early detection and treatment. No such luck with male suicide (and, it is equally important to note, with suicide in general). Rates of suicide remain consistently high, and the stigma surrounding depression and suicide is never-ending.

Host: Jeff Tay –
Interviewee: Dr. Dan Bilsker – Professor at SFU

Filmed by the founder & CEO himself: Tai Khuong
Edited by his brother: David Khuong

This interview was actually did like many months back by the team, but we didn’t get a chance to fully edit. However, too much editing and we ended up procrastinating. Might as well post it!


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