Venezuelan Brass Ensemble: Modest Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition (2007)
From the Konzerthaus, Berlin
Simon Bolivar Youth Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela
Thomas Clamor – conductor
Modest Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition
0:22 Promenade 1
2:01 The Gnome
4:24 Promenade 2
5:25 The Old Castle
9:45 Promenade 3
10:20 The Tuilerie Gardens
11:26 Bydlo
14:15 Promenade 4
14:56 Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
16:07 Samuel Goldenburg and Schmuyle
18:10 Promenade 5
19:42 The Weekly Market at Limoges
21:04 Catacombae, sepulchrum romanum
23:04 Con mortuis in lingua mortua
24:51 Baba Yaga
28:22 The Great Gate of Kiev
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The Venezuelan Brass Ensemble – a highly-acclaimed group with nearly 50 brass and percussion players drawn from the extraordinary Simón Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela. The repertoire of the Venezuelan Brass Ensemble is a regular firework display of ambitious pieces for massed brass – impressively varied and testifies to the high standard of this young ensemble. The Ensemble is both a miracle and an inspiration to all.
With their blend of classical and South American repertoire, these some 50 young brass and percussion players not only have audiences on their feet but with a scintillating display of brass music demonstrate a virtuosity and a passion that is nothing short of awesome.