When Someone we love has died

The death of a loved one is pretty much the saddest thing that can befall us. The French 16th century philosopher Montaigne once wrote: ‘To philosophise is to learn to die.’ Here are a set of the School of Life’s darkest but most consoling thoughts on death.
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“Someone we loved so much has died. It can be hard to know where to turn. For religions, dying was regarded as an essential, immensely important, part of existence; it was supposed to happen at a time appointed by God or by fate. It was not an embarrassing or despair-inducing end point, it was a transformation: the soul would continue its life in another form or in another place. Those who died had only ‘departed’ and lived on elsewhere. Perhaps after our own death, our souls would be reunited with theirs.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Tomás Pichardo-Espaillat


#TheSchoolOfLife #Loss #CopingWithDeath

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