Why Are We so Easily ‘triggered’?

Most of us are aware that, around certain topics, we’re uncomfortably easily ‘triggered’, that is, we react with far too much emotion to situations that don’t call for it. Learning not to be so swiftly triggered means looking back into our past to understand the origins of our behaviour – and being confident that what now feels ‘automatic’ is in fact very changeable once we grasp where it comes from.
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“If we were totally sane, we would respond to the present only on its own terms; we would worry or be angered or give way to anxiety only as much as the circumstances before us actually dictated.
But we are not – of course – most of us quite sane, as evidenced by the way that we respond with such disproportion to certain events in the here and now. We have occasional tendencies to get wildly more worried, angry and anxious than we should, if we were simply following the facts in front of us.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Nick Hilditch


#TheSchoolOfLife #Psychology #triggerwarning

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