Why None of Us Can Escape Catastrophe

We are nowadays sold the story that we can, with a bit of luck, all have relatively pain and error free lives. But in fact, life is fundamentally catastrophic and tragic in structure. None of us will get through this life without some grave and searing reversals. It isn’t that we’ve been cursed. We’re just human – and we need to be prepared and have plenty of compassion for ourselves and others.
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“We may not think of it in quite such naive terms, but we are liable to start out – somewhere in the semi-conscious mind – with a script of how our lives might go.
First will come education, with its deep friendships, moments of intoxicating self-discovery, tender first loves and at points, sheer riotous good fun.
Then will come a career, something that pays, but won’t be done merely for money. We’ll be competent, respectable and fairly honoured for the intensity of our efforts.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Andrew Benincasa

#TheSchoolOfLife #HowToCope

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