Why should you read Toni Morrison’s “Beloved”? – Yen Pham

Dig into Toni Morrison’s novel, “Beloved,” which tells the story of a family of formerly enslaved people whose home is haunted by an abusive spirit.

Two tiny handprints stamped into a cake. A mirror that shatters without warning. A trail of cracker crumbs strewn along the floor. Everyone at 124 Bluestone Road knows their home is haunted— but there’s no mystery about the spirit tormenting them. So begins “Beloved,” Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama. Yen Pham digs into the novel’s exploration of the dehumanizing effects of slavery.

Lesson by Yen Pham, directed by Héloïse Dorsan Rachet.

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Animator’s website: https://www.instagram.com/helo.dr/
Sound design: https://www.campstudio.co/

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