Why We Eat Too Much

We’re hugely invested in the idea that the cause of obesity lies with diet – and that we should therefore solve the problem with kale and apple soup (and other such products). But the real cause of obesity has nothing to do with food. It lies in our emotional under-nourishment. We will start to eat less when we feel more connected, more understood and more in touch with our feelings. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): https://goo.gl/hjS8fn
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“It’s clear that a great many of us eat too much. And in response, a huge industry has grown up which advises us to consume more quinoa, pomegranate and fennel salad and, as often as we can, kale and apple soup.
But this is entirely to misunderstand why we start eating excessive amounts. It has nothing to do food, and therefore trying to change our diet isn’t the most logical place to focus our efforts. We eat too much because what we’re really hungry for isn’t available…”

You can read more on this and other subjects on our blog, here: https://goo.gl/r2R7wz


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Produced in collaboration with:

Thomas O’meara
https://vimeo.com/thomasharnettomeara #TheSchoolOfLife

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