Watch LaterAdded 06:23 南美藝術SMH The power of portraits: Francisca Ramírez de Laredo and Antonio de Ulloa
Watch LaterAdded 04:12 美洲原住民藝術SMH Precision and versatility, Bentwood Boxes of the Northwest Coast peoples
Watch LaterAdded 03:34 墨西哥市SMH Using the Greco-Roman past to forge a Mexican identity: Vilar’s Tlahuicole
Watch LaterAdded 02:24 羅馬藝術SMH A moment in time that’s lasted 2000 years— the Spinario (boy pulling a thorn from his foot)
Watch LaterAdded 09:38 拜占庭藝術SMH Picturing salvation — Chora’s brilliant Byzantine mosaics and frescoes
Watch LaterAdded 06:07 西班牙藝術SMH “The god of wood,” Juan Martínez Montañés and a Baroque sculpture at The Met