10 Signs That You’re a Hopeless Romantic

Do you grow up watching Disney films? Does true love really exist? These films promised an idealized version of love where everybody finds their one true love and lives happily ever after. However, it’s not the same in real life.

To measure how romantic beliefs affect love relationships, the researchers analyzed the answers of respondents through an online questionnaire and beliefs involving “love at first sight”, “soul mates”, “love never fade”, “love can cross all barriers”. So how do we know if we are hopeless romantics? Watch along.

We also made a video on love addiction: https://youtu.be/IM6Ec9kEgMU

Writer: Jade Hamilton
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Nico (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Brown, L. (2018) 30 things hopeless romantics always do (but never talk about) Hack Spirit. https://hackspirit.com/24-proven-signs-youre-a-hopeless-romantic/
‌Kumar, P. (2017). Are You a Hopeless Romantic? Here Are 11 Signs. Medium. https://psiloveyou.xyz/are-you-a-hopeless-romantic-here-are-11-signs-73699644fdd2
Milojević, I. (2020). 13 Signs You’re A Hopeless Romantic. Life Hacks. https://lifehacks.io/hopeless-romantic/

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