6 Habits That Will Make You More Successful Mentally

In this fast-paced world of competition, it can become easy to lose track of what success means to you, personally. Does success mean joy and fulfillment? Riches and fortune? We usually place successful people on an unrealistic pedestal that may mislead us into thinking they are perfect. Other times, the pedestal can actually distract from the reality of their success and how they achieved it in the first place. It may become difficult to notice and adopt the steps successful people take to thrive in life. To help you achieve your true goals, we’ve made this video!

Will you become successful one day? Watch this video to find out: https://youtu.be/zyiNIs_J4QI

Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Wilding, M. Mar 2, 2020. Successful People Have A Strong ‘Locus of Control’. Do You? Forbes. Retrieved at https://www.forbes.com/sites/melodywilding/2020/03/02/successful-people-have-a-strong-locus-of-control-do-you/?sh=a0b283c7af31
Friedman, R. (October 03, 2014) Regular Exercise Is Part of Your Job. HBR. Retrieved at https://hbr.org/2014/10/regular-exercise-is-part-of-your-job
Nemko, M. January 11, 2020. Developing Discipline. Retrieved at https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/how-do-life/202001/developing-discipline
Frank, T. (Aug 2017) 8 Habits of Highly Successful Students. Retrieved at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuYwsNO5XyY

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