6 Unusual Secrets to Make You Irresistibly Attractive!
In this video, we’ll be discussing the surprising things you could do to be atttractive and how to be more attractive. If you’ve been searching for some tips on how to be attractive, tips that have nothing to do with looks at all. Well, you’re in luck. Here are some tips on how to be attractive, without simply having ‘good looks’.
Want to learn about the opposite? We also made a video on the psychological things that make you LESS atttractive so you could avoid them: https://youtu.be/exeNh5AJi94
Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Amanda Silvera (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Thumbnail Designer: Kwek https://www.instagram.com/**kwek_chi Animator: Ayacchi
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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