Watch LaterAdded 26:21 文化紀錄片WOC New city models – experimental field China | Visions for Megacities (Episode 4)
Watch LaterAdded 26:22 文化紀錄片WOC Hong Kong: Spectacular cultural buildings | Visions for Megacities (Episode 3)
Watch LaterAdded 19:48 文化紀錄片WOC Berliner Rapperin macht Musik, ohne sie zu hören – Treffen mit der Künstlerin “Deaf Kat Night”
Watch LaterAdded 26:23 文化紀錄片WOC Tokyo: Architecture and Landscape | Visions for Megacities (Episode 2)
Watch LaterAdded 26:33 文化紀錄片WOC Tokyo: The Creative Use of Small Space | Visions for Megacities (Episode 1)
Watch LaterAdded 01:47:11 文化紀錄片WOC Die Toten Hosen – You Only Live Once | Backstage with Germany’s most successful punk band
Watch LaterAdded 52:01 文化紀錄片WOC David Garrett’s violin mentor – Life and work of Ida Haendel (Full documentary, 2018)
Watch LaterAdded 28:31 文化紀錄片WOC The Underwater Art Installations by Hortense Le Calvez & Mathieu Goussin of FORLANE 6 Studio
Watch LaterAdded 01:09:22 文化紀錄片WOC A film about exhaustion, pain and loneliness of the young ballet dancer Weronika Frodyma
Watch LaterAdded 16:58 文化紀錄片WOC Shanghai International Airport: the sacral monochrome structure | Flights of Fancy 3
Watch LaterAdded 26:09 文化紀錄片WOC Denver International Airport: Tour inside the mysterious airport | Flights of Fancy 2
Watch LaterAdded 26:06 文化紀錄片WOC Kansai International Airport: the world’s first airport built on the sea | Flights of Fancy 1
Watch LaterAdded 29:14 文化紀錄片WOC Richard Wentworth prepares his exhibition at the Kettle’s Yard Gallery in Cambridge, 1998