Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium 2018: Matthew Jesse Jackson

The 2018 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium offered master’s and doctoral students from any academic discipline the opportunity to present scholarly work on a host of questions and topics related to Nasher Prize Laureate Theaster Gates.

Addressing a broad audience of art historians and museum professionals, participants received feedback from fellow presenters, an invited keynote speaker, and audience members. Students selected to present papers also had their work published in the annual symposium compendium, together with the paper delivered by the keynote speaker.

The 2018 Nasher Prize Graduate Symposium took place Thursday, April 5, 2018.

Matthew Jesse Jackson is a writer, curator, and critic who teaches modern and contemporary art at the University of Chicago. He is the author of “The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes,” winner of the Robert Motherwell Book Award, as well as co-author of “Vision and Communism.” For the past dozen years he has been involved with Our Literal Speed, a text and art undertaking located in Selma, Alabama. His current writing project is called “Vernacular Modernism All Over the Deep South” and he is editor and co-translator from the Russian of the forthcoming “Ilya Kabakov: On Art.”

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