Watch LaterAdded 12:20 A.生活解題 How technology makes life easier – and what’s still up to you / UNSEEN (5/5) | DW Documentary
Watch LaterAdded 12:20 科技與創新_紀錄片_DW How technology makes life easier – and what’s still up to you / UNSEEN (5/5) | DW Documentary
Watch LaterAdded 42:26 科技與創新_紀錄片_DW How artificial intelligence is changing our society | DW Documentary
Watch LaterAdded 42:26 A.生活解題 Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)
Watch LaterAdded 42:26 科技與創新_紀錄片_DW Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)