What is Transference And Why It Matters
Transference is a psychological phenomenon whereby we ‘transfer’ a way of behaving from childhood into adulthood – in situations which don’t really warrant it. It’s a big cause of trouble in relationships. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): https://goo.gl/UDxdw8
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“You’re flicking through a fashion magazine and playfully suggest that your partner might want to make a few experiments with their wardrobe. How about a different pair of jeans or a new T-shirt, a duffle coat or platform heels? But at the mention of this possibility, your partner gets very agitated indeed: they scornfully declare that money is tight, they haven’t got any time, they have too many clothes already and why are you deliberately annoying them by making vapid proposals like this?…”
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Khyan Mansley
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