Why You’re So Used To Being Silent

There are many reasons to keep quiet. Sometimes it’s better to listen, or maybe you don’t want to draw attention to yourself. Your reasons can have a negative or positive impact. But what happens when you’re quiet for so long that you get used to it? These are the reasons why you are so used to being quiet.

Silence is powerful. What to learn more about the power of silence? We also made a video on the hidden advantages of being silent: https://youtu.be/w-LU2hHmpcs

Writer: Dylan Swanepoel
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Amanda Silvera (http://www.youtube.com/amandasilvera )
Animator: Ra-Hyun Ji
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Official Discord: https://discord.gg/EsWEvrJ


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