RSA 最小化: 贏家通吃 | 阿南德·吉里達拉達斯
In this powerful new RSA Minimate, TIME’s Editor-at-Large Anand Giridharadas argues that while the winners of our age might be well meaning in their desire to give back, too many stop short at the kinds of real change that would see power more radically distributed.
屢獲殊榮的 RSA Animate 系列背後的思想又回來了! RSA Minimate 超短, 為忙碌的人準備的信息豐富的動畫. All audio excerpts are taken from live, FREE events at the RSA’s HQ in London, 並由認知動畫. This animation was produced by RSA Senior Events and Animations Producer, 阿比斯蒂芬森.
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