Why can’t you divide by zero? – 拜占庭艺术SMH

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In the world of math, many strange results are possible when we change the rules. But there’s one rule that most of us have been warned not to break: don’t divide by zero. How can the simple combination of an everyday number and a basic operation cause such problems?

Lesson by TED-Ed, animation by Nick Hilditch.

非常感谢我们的顾客对我们的支持! 没有你,这个视频是不可能的! Craig Sheldon, Andrew Bosco, Nik Maier, Adi V, Hiroshi Uchiyama, Chris , Vik Nagjee, Della Palacios, Alexander Walls, سلطان الخليفي, Ibel Wong, Kiarash Asar, Aliyya Rachmadi, Max Shuai Tang, Jamerson Chingapanini, Al the Scottish Wildcat, Janelle , Sabrina Gonzalez, 感谢以下赞助人每月的慷慨捐助,帮助大家永远免费使用速成课程, and Aaron Henson.


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