冥想: 对同一性与无我的思考

我们邀请您通过这种引导式冥想加深您的练习,并讨论探索关于身份的两种相互冲突的观点, part of our monthly series Saturday Morning Meditation. At the heart of Buddhism is the saying, “Nothing whatsoever should be clung to as ‘I’ or ‘mine.‘” This teaching, as encapsulated in the concept of no-self, instructs us that the key to ending our suffering is to let go of a fixed sense of self. Yet identity, as a site and source of resistance, is crucial to our struggle for collective liberation. This virtual session is open to all levels.

Melvin Escobar is a core teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center, licensed psychotherapist, and certified yoga instructor. He has walked the path of service for much of his life, drawing on his experiences as a queer man of color from an immigrant working-class background. Escobar continues daily to learn the revolutionary potential of body-centered contemplative practices for personal and social healing via psychotherapy and the dharma. His article “Loving-Kindness: May All Beings Be Happy“ was recently published in Lion’s Roar magazine.

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