Dancinema 2022 Preview: Barbarians: Origins (Paris, France)
In a classroom, children are studying under the supervision of a violent teacher. Witnessing one of his classmates being threatened by the man, a boy defies his authority and leads the whole group to rebel against tyranny.
Paris, France
Dancinema 2022 Preview: Barbarians: Origins (Paris, France)
Writer, Director & Producer: Romain Rachline Borgeaud
Director of Photography: Louis Bergogné
Featuring: Jérôme Louis, Thiméo Garin, Lucas Bouguerra Atlesco, Ambre Badrani, Maya Cossu, Lilyana Ilunga, Leny Laby, Lana Lima, Thomas Marteel, Samy Messelier, Lou Miel, Syméon Rohrbach, Yana Semanyuk, Aaron Colston Avella Hiles, Lisa Delolme, Geoffrey Goutorbe, Sandra Pericou, Julie Thomas
Screening: Capitol Dance & Cinema Festival – Oct 8 2022 @ Eaton Workshop DC